Friday, 9 January 2009

Single Markets & Single States

The previous posts considerations of Calman's presentation of a single market is even more instructive when you consider that they never even looked at the example of Denmark or Norway.

Greenland and the Faroes are part of the Danish Realm just as Scotland is part of the UK Realm. The same as Svalbard being a part of the Kingdom of Norway.

Yet both Greenland and the Faroes are not part of the EU nor the EEA, and whilst Norway may not be in the EU it is part of the EEA. Yet as this shows Svalbard is not in the EEA:

"Svalbard, the Faroe Islands and Greenland are not covered by the EEA Agreement."
However it's not just those examples. There are ones closer to the UK in the shape of the UK Overseas Territories like Bermuda of which this site says:

"The Overseas Countries and Territories do not form part of the EU, yet they are constitutionally bound to four of the EU’s Member States: Denmark, France, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands."
That the Commission did not even address how member states of the EU/EEA can have areas of their constitutional sphere outwith the EU/EEA begs the question of why arrangements for Scotland to have a similar special relationship were not considered?

The only conclusions can be that they either don't understand constitutions or the Commission members who do are solely focussed on retaining absolute sovereignty at Westminster over the major levers of Scotland's economy regardless of whether that is in the best interests of Scotland or not.

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